"Do the best you can

until you know better,

then when you know better, do better."

- Maya Angelou

An Investment in Relationship-Wellness is an Investment in You

Hi there! I’m Dr. Christina Jones Davis, a wellness enthusiast who deals in all things relationships. That’s right, I help people explore and develop the relationships in their lives, be them romantic, familial, professional, the all important relationship with self, or anything in between! Relationships are essential. Right after food, water, and shelter, humans need relationships to survive and thrive--why not invest in better ones!


Relationship University

We all know that relationships are important. But maintaining them can become very challenging. Professional assistance such as therapy or coaching can often feel out of reach when you are bogged down with managing your daily responsibilities, balancing busy schedules, and navigating budget constraints, etc. This is why my team and I have created a solution to ensure that as many people as possible can access and benefit from the knowledge and tools to boost the quality of their relationships on their terms.

Welcome to Relationship University, my e-course program that gives those who desire to improve their relationships with themselves and others, access to the tools to do so, on your own time and at your own pace. If you are ready and willing to learn, Relationship University is here to teach you. 

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